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Our hours are Monday to Friday 8.45am until 5.30pm. For support during business hours contact or telephone - +65 6950 5599. Please provide account details and order number to fast track your service.

For after hours support visit

Midwich SEA office closure:

  • - We are closed during weekends and Singapore government gazetted public holidays.

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Our teams

Sales Enquiries
T: | + 65 6950 5599
T: | +65 6950 5597

Feedback- Tell us what you think

Our purpose is to improve customer experience. We do this by sharing our knowledge and information across our networks. So please use the form on the left to share with us any news or experiences you have encountered. We can then share that with others, to the benefit of everyone in the Midwich community.
229 Mountbatten Road, #02-03/04 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007